Archive | May 2019

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“Words can be like knives Hurting and leaving deep scars behind We try to move on,we try to forget But its easy to remember those words and regret Wanting to win at any cost You won the argument and then find you lost The closeness you had, now the bond is strained Even the good […]


“I will soar when I walk and when I sit, and am chained to the ground I will soar when I sing and play, even if no one hears a sound I will soar when I am belittled and when opportunity shuts its doors I will soar when my legs are tired, and even when […]

“A POEM FOR MOM” (A Mother’s Day poem, dedicated to my mom, Michelina Tyrie, by Brian McCarthy)

“From the very beginning, you were with me, it’s true You came when I cried, you cleaned up my poo My tantrums you handled, my mess you did clean You always would listen, when I had a bad dream And when I was grouchy, unable to control You gave me not spankings, but music for […]


“What  a Strange thing is this life, This little dance we all engage in We try and pretend we understand it, But if life’s a book, we’re only one page in Trapped by the time we live in, We boldly assert we know truth Yet all generations always look back at those before And think […]

“MASKS”(A Poem)

“We live in a world of people who wear masks Of so called wise men,who spout lies and wont ask If what they claim is true, can be proven or shown They have letters after their name and the truth, they think they own Some masks show happiness, optimism and joy Some wear masks surrounded […]


“The greatest love can be eroded, From jealousy or doubt And how easily a heart can fall away And find itself without—- Without love,without sureness Without trust, or pureness Into the shadows of anger we go, so fast—- Yet, the return to love? Its always so slow—-it always seems to come last. So how to […]